Under the Authority of the Creator, All Things Are Perfect

All things created by God, including those which could move and those which could not, such as birds and fish, such as trees and flowers, and including the livestock, insects, and wild animals made on the sixth day—they were all good with God, and, furthermore, in the eyes of God, these things, in accordance with His plan, had all attained the acme of perfection, and had reached the standards that God wished to achieve. Step by step, the Creator did the work He intended to do according to His plan. One after the other, the things He intended to create appeared, and the appearance of each was a reflection of the Creator’s authority, and a crystallization of His authority, and because of these crystallizations, all creatures could not help but be thankful for the grace of the Creator, and the provision of the Creator. As the miraculous deeds of God manifested themselves, this world swelled, piece by piece, with all of the things created by God, and it changed from chaos and darkness into clarity and brightness, from deathly stillness to liveliness and limitless vitality. Among all things of creation, from the great to the small, from the small to the microscopic, there was none which was not created by the authority and power of the Creator, and there was a unique and inherent necessity and value to the existence of each creature. Regardless of the differences in their shape and structure, they had but to be made by the Creator to exist under the authority of the Creator. …

Thus, all things under the authority of the Creator shall play a new symphony for the sovereignty of the Creator, shall commence a brilliant prelude for His work of the new day, and at this moment the Creator shall also open a new page in the work of His management! According to the law of the shoots of spring, ripening of summer, autumn’s harvest, and winter’s storage appointed by the Creator, all things shall echo with the Creator’s plan of management, and they shall welcome their own new day, new beginning, and new life course, and they shall soon reproduce in endless succession in order to welcome each day under the sovereignty of the Creator’s authority …

from The Word Appears in the Flesh


Teachings of Jesus Christ: What Is God’s Will Behind the Parable of the Master and Servant?

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