Warnings of the Last Days From God | Christian Short Film “The Days of Noah Have Come”

Let’s look back on mankind during the age of Noah. Man was engaged in all kinds of evil activities paying no thought to repentance. Nobody listened to the word of God. Their rigidity and evil aroused God’s anger and in the end, they were swallowed up by the disaster of the great flood. Only Noah and his family of eight listened to God’s word and were able to survive. Now, the last days have already arrived. Mankind’s corruption is getting deeper and deeper. Everyone reveres evil. The entire religious world follows the tide of the world. They do not love the truth one bit. The days of Noah have already arrived! In order to save mankind, God has returned once more to do the judgment work of the last days amongst mankind. This is the last time that God saves man! What should mankind choose? … More Warnings of the Last Days From God | Christian Short Film “The Days of Noah Have Come”

Christian Movie Trailer “The People of the Heavenly Kingdom” | How to Enter the Kingdom of Heaven

In the face of trials and tribulations she even develops misunderstandings and gripes about God, but through seeking the truth time after time and undergoing the judgment and chastisement of God’s words, she gains an understanding of the root of her dishonesty and her selfish, slippery satanic nature. She begins to focus on pursuing the truth to resolve her tendency to lie and the dishonesty in her heart. Later when she is arrested by the Chinese Communist Party government while performing her duty and suffers devastating torture, she is ready to die before telling a lie and refuses to deny God. She bears a beautiful, resounding witness for God. Cheng Nuo is able to gradually become an honest person, and truly love and obey God. So what really is her story? … More Christian Movie Trailer “The People of the Heavenly Kingdom” | How to Enter the Kingdom of Heaven

“What a Beautiful Voice” (2) – How Can We Be Sure the Lord Jesus Has Already Returned?

Ever since the churches began suffering from desolation, many brothers and sisters in the Lord have clearly felt the lack of the Holy Spirit’s work and the presence of the Lord, and they are all longing for the Lord’s return. But when hearing the news that the Lord Jesushas already returned, how can we really be sure of this? … More “What a Beautiful Voice” (2) – How Can We Be Sure the Lord Jesus Has Already Returned?

“Knocking at the Door” (4) – The Lord Is Knocking at the Door: Can You Recognize His Voice? (1)

The Lord Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice” (Jhn 10:27). Clearly, the Lord is speaking to search for His sheep upon His return. The most crucial thing for Christians to do as they await the coming of the Lord is to seek to hear the voice of the Lord. How is one able to recognize the voice of the Lord, though? What is the difference between the voice of God and the voice of humans? … More “Knocking at the Door” (4) – The Lord Is Knocking at the Door: Can You Recognize His Voice? (1)

Movie Clip “Knocking at the Door” (2) – What Mistakes Are Most Easily Made in Welcoming the Lord?

Many people of faith in religious circles believe what the pastors and elders say, “All of God’s words and work are in the Bible. It would be impossible for any of God’s words to appear outside of the Bible.” … More Movie Clip “Knocking at the Door” (2) – What Mistakes Are Most Easily Made in Welcoming the Lord?

Knocking at the Door” (1) – What Is the Most Important Practice to Welcome the Coming of the Lord?

The Lord Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” (Jhn 10:27). It is also prophesied many times in Revelation, “He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” The voice and words of the Spirit are the voice of the Lord, and it is God’s sheep who will recognize God’s voice. What practice, then, is most important for Christians as they welcome the coming of the Lord?  … More Knocking at the Door” (1) – What Is the Most Important Practice to Welcome the Coming of the Lord?

Ironclad Proofs—Disclose the Mystery About the Bible (3) – Almighty God’s Work Fulfills Revelation

It is written in Revelation, “For I testify to every man that hears the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add to these things, God shall add to him the plagues that are written in this book. …” Do you know the meaning it contains?  … More Ironclad Proofs—Disclose the Mystery About the Bible (3) – Almighty God’s Work Fulfills Revelation

Christian Movie clip (4) – Obeying the Ruling Regime Is Not the Same as Obeying God

Does the priest’s debate touch this beautiful Christian? She is a Christian from the Church of Almighty God who took the time to attack the pastor’s sophistry with the truth, and testified Almighty God!
More Christian Movie clip (4) – Obeying the Ruling Regime Is Not the Same as Obeying God

Christian Musical Documentary “The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything”: Testimony of the Power of God

Throughout the vast universe, all celestial bodies move precisely within their own orbits. Under the heavens, mountains, rivers, and lakes all have their boundaries, and all creatures live and reproduce throughout the four seasons in accordance with the laws of life…. This is all so exquisitely designed—is there a Mighty One ruling and arranging all this? … More Christian Musical Documentary “The One Who Holds Sovereignty Over Everything”: Testimony of the Power of God

“Knocking at the Door” (3) – Christians Have Woken Up Upon Hearing the Lord Speak Upon His Return

The Lord Jesus said, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me” (Rev 3:20). Over these years, The Church of Almighty God has consistently testified that Lord Jesus has returned, and that He has spoken words to do the judgment work of the last days. Pastors and elders of religious circles, however, under the pretense of protecting the flock, do their utmost to obstruct believers from investigating the true way and hearing God’s voice. What choice will Christians make as they approach this?  … More “Knocking at the Door” (3) – Christians Have Woken Up Upon Hearing the Lord Speak Upon His Return