Enlightenment From a Story of King Solomon—Path of Discerning the True Christ From False Ones

During my free time, I read a story about Solomon from the internet. A king from a neighboring country gave, as a present, two uncommon and rare flower baskets to Solomon. The flowers of one of the flower baskets were real and the flowers of the other basket were fake. However, the flowers of both baskets looked extremely similar. There was almost no way to distinguish the real flowers from the fake flowers just by looking at their appearance. The state official from the neighboring country that delivered the flower baskets had heard of Solomon’s wisdom. So, he asked Solomon to distinguish between the real flowers and the fake flowers. Solomon sent some people to bring the two flower baskets to his garden. Nobody understood what Solomon’s intentions were. Solomon asked everyone to gather at the garden and there they understood why he brought the two baskets into the garden. The real flowers had attracted many bees to them while the fake flowers did not have any. … More Enlightenment From a Story of King Solomon—Path of Discerning the True Christ From False Ones

My Life Principles Left Me So Damaged

The phrase “All lay loads on a willing horse” is one with which I am all too personally familiar. My husband and I were both particularly guileless people in the world. When it came to matters that involved our own personal benefit or loss, we weren’t the type to haggle or fuss with others. Where we could be forbearing we were forbearing, where we could be accommodating we also did our best to be accommodating. As a result, we often found ourselves bullied by others. So I really believed the saying “All lay loads on a willing horse” to be absolutely true—if you have too much kindness in your heart, if you’re too accommodating and modest in your affairs, you’re very likely to be bullied. With this in mind, I resolved to no longer subject myself to all that bullying and live in frustration: I vowed not to be too accommodating in future matters and in dealings with others. … More My Life Principles Left Me So Damaged

I Am Willing to Accept the Supervision of All

A little while ago, whenever I heard that upper-level leaders were coming to our church to implement some work, I would feel a bit ill at ease. I didn’t reveal my feelings outwardly, but my heart was full of opposition. I thought: “It would be best if you all didn’t come. If you do come, at least don’t water the church with me. Otherwise, I’ll be restricted and unable to commune.” Later, the situation got so bad that I actually hated their coming. But being so numb, I had no understanding of the state I was in, much less did I think to seek the truth to resolve it. … More I Am Willing to Accept the Supervision of All